Data & Reports

Data and Reports | Report
Originally published on December 20, 2023

Addendum Report to the Review of the G3 Program's Alignment to the Virginia Labor Market

This brief is an addendum to the March 2023 Virginia Office of Education Economics (VOEE) report, “Review of the G3 Program’s Alignment to the Virginia Labor Market.” That report, directed by Item 213 D.2. of Chapter 2 of the 2022 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I (the 2022–24 Biennial Budget), charged VOEE with evaluating the level of alignment between the 92 G3-specific fields of study identified in budget language and their associated occupations in the labor market. Because of the newness of the G3 program, first-year outcomes data were not available to VOEE at the time of the analysis. Since the VOEE report was published in the spring of 2023, two full years of outcomes data have been released by the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). This brief examines these data as part of the original charge given to VOEE. In future years, outcomes data will be included in G3 labor market analyses.

The data used for this analysis were sourced from the appendix of VCCS’ G3 2022–23 Annual Report. The analysis examines educational program data using the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) taxonomy at the two-digit series level and six-digit field of study level.

Read and download the original G3 report G3 Addendum

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